A cleverly constructed and designed packaging can bring in more customers. Your customers see your product packaging first and those who don’t know your brand will only use your packaging to decide whether or not to purchase your product. Whether it is a mailer, product, or shipping box, it has to look professional and on-brand. Kinds of Custom Packaging Below are your options in terms of custom packaging: Product boxes. These boxes can help you define your brand and keep it on top of the minds of your customers. They protect your product from damage and feature product information and branding elements that can help your customers with their buying decision. Shipping boxes. These boxes offer an opportunity to advertise your business. They can be printed inside and out in y
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In 2005, more than 1,800 people were killed in Hurricane Katrina when it wrecked the Gulf Coast. Around 372,000 children were reported to have been displaced from their homes after the storm. Also, at least 100 state schools were destroyed and the few that remained were shut for weeks. Once the storm receded, the displaced students were placed in new schools but there were lingering memories of the disaster. Some of the students showed increasing signs of depression, anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder after the event. A study conducted 5 years after Hurricane Katrina showed that more than 1/3 of the displaced children were a year behind their peers on academic grounds. Predicted Impact on School Children Come to think of it, a tropical storm bears some resemblance to
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