Infrastructure is a very critical part of any growing society. It is responsible for connecting the metropolitan areas to rural areas. It is a sign of the economic growth of any society. The better the infrastructure, the better is the amenities present in that society. Infrastructure development in South Asia is responsible for increasing opportunities in education, employment, and healthcare. It is also very important to develop infrastructure in an eco-friendly manner.
Why it plays an important role?
Infrastructure plays an important part in connecting the impoverished part of an area to any area’s thriving part. It means that poor people have access to better schooling and employment opportunities. It also gives them access to good healthcare, which is essential in modern life. Infrastructure development in South Asia also facilitates multinational corporations to have their business headquarters in that area.
Benefits of infrastructure development
Infrastructure development also has many social benefits. The development of culture can be achieved only through better interconnectivity. Social inclusion and a good standard of living are also by-products of infrastructure development. The welfare and income of disadvantaged people can be done only by providing them with good infrastructure. As middle-class households are the major infrastructure users, a good structure can help make positive changes in our society.